When Dating Gets Messy...

Hey guys,

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend and enjoying the sun (well if your in California if not then I hope you enjoy whatever weather you are having), I can't quite say the same about my own right now. 

If you have read any of my previous blogs you would have seen how crazy my life has been recently and how my dating adventures have been a complete rollercoaster. But Lucky for me it just got whole lot messier. This isn't a hate blog by any means but just another one of my crazy adventure out here in LA. 

So like I said in my previous blog I was dating this actor who at the time I really thought liked me. We hit it off really well and we both spoke about personal things and I specifically made clear that I was not looking for any hook ups or anything like that. One evening when we went out I found out that he was dating other girls and although we hadn't really discussed weather we were official or not I was still very shocked and upset. We continued to date and then I finally found out through some photos that he had been tagged in on instagram that he was dating this one other girl. He had originally told me that he had only been one a few dates and failed to tell me that he had been dating this other girl since the time that we started dating and even attended events with her as well as me.
I was quite distraught about this but I tried not to show it more out of fear o losing him, which I now realize how pathetic that makes me. 

Then the real drama happens. He comes to my house at midnight on Wednesday saying that we 'need to talk about all this'. When he turns up he is in so much pain, confused I ask what has happened and he tells me that he fell of a roof trying to get his car out of the garage and thinks he broke both his feet. I tried to help him upstairs but I could see how much pain he was in and me being only 5'1" it was quite difficult for me to carry him. I did offer on many occasions to take him to the hospital but he refused. I knew what he was here for but couldn't bring myself to accept it. I promised myself I would be strong and not cry because I didn't want to show my emotions to someone that obviously didn't care.

Sitting there waiting for his break up speech the first thing he says to me is "oh, before I forget can I have my pants back". This straight away struck me, I couldn't believe that anyone could be so hurtful that he couldn't even wait till the end to ask me that. He then went on to give this whole 'it's not you its me type of speech' and although it hurt, all I could do was laugh at the fact it sounded like it was taken from a movie. I literally just sat there in silence not saying or doing anything out o fear that I would say the wrong thing. In my head I had prepared for the worst but now it was here I felt so hurt I didn't know what to do or what to say. He told me that the other girl had called him saying that I had messaged her, which I was totally confused about because I never had. He then went on to say that he didn't want a relationship with either of us and didn't want to hurt me because at this point in his life he wanted to be selfish. 

He finally left and when he arrived home I saw he had put a snapchat up about his feet, however, right at the end he says, very cavalier and almost laughing "the moral of the story is don't jump a fence to get your car because you have to break up with a girl". I was so shocked that anyone would ever say something like that especially knowing that the girl would be able to see it. The worst thing is that it was as if he was making it sound as if it was my fault that this happened. We did say that we would talk about it later but he never called, which I wasn't surprised. 

I thought I'd leave him for a bit to think, but just as I was trying to do that he uploads another snap of him in the hospital in a wheelchair but this time that same girl was in it and she didn't seem angry at all. Again I was so confused and hurt by this but avoided messaging him. I then decided to try and take my mind off everything I would go out with my friends and drink probably a bit too much. This didn't really work out the way I had planned and I ended up messaging him at midnight. Probably annoyed by messages he decided to call me. Even though I was desperate to talk to him all I could do was to burst into tears. I had held it in for so long that I couldn't control it anymore. The conversation started off pretty bad and just continued to worsen through the next hour and ten minutes. I felt as if he was turning the whole situation on me, telling me I was emotionless on Wednesday when he spoke to me and that when he spoke to her she cried. People deal with bad situations differently and it doesn't mean anything. He then continued to say at the time he didn't think he could trust me, which is a little ironic considering he was the one trying to juggle two girls at the same time. Even after saying he didn't want a relationship with anyone he now tells me that since he is crippled he now needs someone to look after him so he isn't alone hence why the girl is in every one of his snapchats now.

The next day I did what most crazy girls do and sent about four grovelling texts. The whole time I felt like everything was my fault. I couldn't help but think if I had just not asked about the other girl, or had cried when he broke up with me or done things differently would none of this have ever ended. In a way I thought to myself well him breaking his feet trying to get to my house was kind of a sign of Karma, but the truth is it didn't make me feel better at all because I actually care for him. 

Anyway the moral of the story is do not date an actor in LA, it's definitely not worth all this. 


    Am so happy to testify about a great spell caster that helped me when all hope was lost for me to unite with my ex-girlfriend that I love so much. I had a girlfriend that love me so much but something terrible happen to our relationship one afternoon when her friend that was always trying to get to me was trying to force me to make love to her just because she was been jealous of her friend that i was dating and on the scene my girlfriend just walk in and she thought we had something special doing together, i tried to explain things to her that her friend always do this whenever she is not with me and i always refuse her but i never told her because i did not want the both of them to be enemies to each other but she never believed me. She broke up with me and I tried times without numbers to make her believe me but she never believed me until one day i heard about the DR. EMU and I emailed him and he replied to me so kindly and helped me get back my lovely relationship that was already gone for two months.
    Email him at: Emutemple@gmail.com  
    Call or Whats-app him: +2347012841542


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