Dating in LA: The Man Who Kissed Me on The Street..

Hey guys,

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you enjoyed reading my last blog about Deadpool. My life the past two months have been pretty crazy with school and work and especially my dating life has been on a little bit of a whirlwind, which is why I love sharing my stories with you guys. I had a really interesting experience with a guy on Saturday and I'm not entirely sure if it's a weird LA thing or if I just attract this sort of thing.

Like I said recently my love life has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I always thought that dating in England was difficult but since being in LA I've realized that it is even more brutal here. I haven't quite decided if its actually LA or if it's the fact that I'm always dating actors, but I'm really finding the dating world here confusing.

Anyway, I've been dating an actor recently over the past month, who I really like but I recently found out he was also dating other girls. At first I wasn't too sure what to think of this and it played on my mind for the next couple days but instead of moaping around like a pathetic loser I thought I would try and consider going on another date myself.
In the meantime to try and take my mind off what was going on I decided to take a long relaxing walk down Wilshire Blvd. It didn't actually turn out as relaxing as I had originally hoped.

I had my headphones in, sunglasses on, enjoying the sun and was minding my own business when all of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder, jumping in shock I turned around to find this blonde surfer boy type guy standing in front of me smiling. I just stared at him confused for a second before he finally said "Hi you're very beautiful, what's your name". He seemed like a nice guy but I wasn't really in the frame of mind to chat to strangers. As I begin to walk off he runs after me and shouts "please, give me just one minute", at this point people began to turn around to see what was happening and out of embaressment I turned around and said "thank you, my name is Chantal". I turned away again and he continued to run after me saying "wait a minute, I'd love to take you out for dinner tonight". I wasn't too sure at the point if I should be flattered by his persistence or creeped out by the fact he was still chasing after me. I tried to make an excuse to get out of it, but he wasn't really taking the hint. Smiling awkwardly I didn't really know what to say next, so I nodded and said "ok then it was nice to meet you"z As I turn around yet again to leave he touches my shoulder and says "please could I take you out one night". I still wasn't entirely sure, but I guess I did like the persistence, which I don't find a lot of guys in LA actually have so I finally agreed to 'maybe' go on a date, even though I still wasn't completely sure about this. As I left he kissed me on the cheek and then as I pulled away and went to leave he smiled, opened his mouth wide and kissed me on the lips. I pulled away instantly as I was a little freaked out by a stranger kissing me in the middle of a packed street in LA and continued my walk home in shock. I wasn't really sure what to make of this, I could never imagine anything like this happening in England and I felt that the kiss was quite innapropriate. So I went straight home washed my mouth.

The next day he did actually text me for a date but after the kiss I just couldn't bring myself to say yes. I realized he hadn't given me his name and I was too embarrassed to ask so instead I just put in my phone as The Man who kissed me on the street, which now thinking about it doesn't seem like the best of ideas. He then told me that he was an artist and continued to send me photos of his art work. I have to admit his art work was very good but it couldn't quite take away my decision to actually go on the date with him, so I had to tell him thank you but goodbye. 

My dating adventures here have definitely been strange and I haven't decided if it's a good thing or a bad thing just yet. Anyway watch yourself ladies when walking down Wilshire Blvd, you never quite know what you might encounter! 

Picture source:


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