Deadpool Movie Review Starring Ryan Reynolds

Hey guys,

So this weekend has been a very interesting and eventful one for me. On Friday night I went to the Pacific Theatre at Grove with the guy I was dating and two of his friends. I think we all forgot how much traffic there was going to be because of the Oscars but luckily I got there early enough unlike the guy I was going with and his friend who ended up walking into the movie theatre nearly forty five minutes late. The good thing was his other friend was already sitting in the movie theatre and had saved us seats so I went and sat with him while we waited for others. I felt a little bit like we were on an awkward tinder date or something since all I had was a photo of him which I was sent so that I could find him in the dark auditorium. After walking up and down the movie theatre steps looking for the seats I finally found him right in the middle. I was a little worried that the other two were not going to turn up or get into the movie and I was going to end up on what felt like a blind date with the friend of the actual guy I'm dating. Anyways luckily they did arrive even though they missed half the movie.

As for the film itself I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. When I originally agreed to watch it I wasn't actually sure what it was about, all I knew is that my friends were also going to the same showing and told me it was a really good movie so, I thought why not. I have never really been a huge fan or comic book movies and in fact I don't really know much about comics themselves. The other day when discussing comic movies with a friend I said "the only comic movie I have ever really enjoyed is the Joker one with Heath Ledger" she looked at me like I had said something outrageous and said "The Joker movie? so, you mean The Dark Knight". She wasn't very impressed by knowledge of the Batman movies.

The movie was very different from the normal superhero movies. It is based on the the Marvel comics character Deadpool which in the movie is played by Ryan Reynolds. Other cast members included Ed Skrein, who played the evil villain Ajax. I loved the fact that they had picked this really hot British man with a gorgeous body to play the villain, after seeing his character appear I was no longer rooting for the good guy anymore. I have to admit I was a little surprised to see Reynolds as the lead character Deadpool but, I think his performance was fantastic and I came out of the movie with a new found love for the actor. I think what really made this movie exciting and interesting for me personally was the comedy value. There were a lot of witty comments and jokes from the characters that gave the movie depth and brought a different and more interesting and funny vibe to the movie. The thing that made it most exciting for me was that there was a lot of dry British humour which I definitely enjoyed. I definitely have this type of humour and I've found since being in the States not everyone quite understands it, so when I make a dry sarcastic joke, it takes people a while to actually realise that I'm not being serious. I find much of America humour is much more obvious, like they are they trying to make the audience laugh, which for me defeats the object of the making the joke in the first place *cough* Adam Sandler.

As for the special effects I was really impressed because although they used a lot of them they were much more subtle and simple than in other superhero films, which allowed more focus for the actual script and acting, which I think is much more important than spending million of dollars on special effects. I feel that many film companies add in all these special effects to fool the audience to think that it is a really amazing high budget movie, but the truth is it is just a way of hiding behind a terribly written script or bad acting. Another thing that really impressed me was the fact that Reynolds constantly broke the forth wall. On many occasions he would say something and then turn to the camera and make a really witty comment about the other character, usually something sexual. I've always been a little sceptical about breaking the forth wall on camera unless its for a video diary, but Reynolds did this with perfection and I felt it actually added to comedy of the movie rather than take away.

Overall, I would give this movie four and a half stars. I would definitely recommend that you go see this movie, even if you are not a superhero fan like me because there is something in it for everyone.


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