Hello my wonderful Readers, 

So on Saturday I headed down to the Surviving Actor's Exhibition held at the Radisson blu Hotel in Portman Square, London. This is a little bit embarrassing to admit since I'm an actress, but this is the first time I've been to an Actor's Exhibition. I have to say this is something I definitely regret and I think anyone who considers themselves an actor should definitely attend one. The tips and advice you get can really held you understand how the business works. 

A year ago whilst in my second year at Central I realised the strength of my dream to become an actor. After this realisation I have really pushes myself with auditions and promoting myself. It can be very difficult to not let the fear of failure and rejection override the positive attitude you need to have in this industry to succeed. However everything in my life has dramatically changed for me in the last year. I have really changed my mind set and attitude and I am now more determined than ever to achieve my dreams. A big part of this includes networking and Surviving Actor's is the perfect place to do just that. 

I decided that whilst I was in the company lots of industry people it was important to book a couple of seminars. After checking out the schedule I booked 'The Accent Kit' to help me find the tips on doing an American Accent, as well as, a seminar on 'LA Pilot Season' by Industry Hollywood. This seminar for 'LA Pilot Season' was extremely vital to me as I felt it would give me a greater insight into what it is like in Hollywood. The industies in  Hollywood and London are worlds apart, so it's important to really establish the differences. I have also heard a lot about LA Pilot Season, however until now I was unsure of what it really entailed. 

I really wanted my mum to come along with me to understand where all her hard earned money is always going and how serious I am about my acting. 

Whilst at Surviving Actor's I had the chance to meet some of the people behind all the companies I use such as casting call pro, spotlight and Starnow. I felt a sense of relief to be able to talk to other people like myself about my experiences and getting advice on funding from Equity and Industry Hollywood. Marketing is a very important part of the process and learning how to do this well is even more important. From this experience I am now looking into a new showreel and have purchased a lovely new pack of business cards. 

I came out of Surviving Actor's feeling even more determined and positive than ever before and I am proud to admit my acting abilities. Over this last two years I have come to realise that believing is a key part in the making of your success. If you don't believe you are a good Actor, then how can you expect anyone else to? 

I can't wait to go to American Academy of Dramatic Arts and learn how to become an even better Actor. I will take on Hollywood and Concur ;)

(Source: www.bambridgeaccountants.co.uk 2015)


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