EXPELLED REVIEW- Starring Cameron Dallas & Marcus Johns

Good Day my Lovelies, 

So today I'm going to be reviewing the movie Expelled, directed by Alex Goyette. The movie follows the journey of prankster and troublemaker teenager Felix, played by popular Viner Cameron Dallas. When Felix gets expelled from school he decides he needs to hatch a plan to avoid his parents finding out. 

Cameron is joined by fellow Viner star Marcus Johns, who plays the role of Ben, Felix's brother. 

Looking at the trailer for Expelled on Netflix I wasn't entirely swayed by the quality of the movie or the storyline. Regardless of this I thought I'd give it try considering I had watched nearly everything on Netflix already. 

From the first scene I could already determine the type of movie this was going to be. It was very much aimed at the younger audience, especially around the tweenage to teenage years. 

First for the negatives- I wasn't too keen on the way the lead character Felix was involving the audience so much. He constantly directed his lines to the camera, talking to the audience as if he was making a video diary. I think sometimes this can be successful if it is directed to a high quality, but unfortunately I felt this really let it down. I felt it made the movie seem cheap and more of a documentary. I personally feel this only really works with theatre, especially educational or children's theatre. I would definitely stay away from this for a movie or television show. 

The second thing I didn't like was the acting style of Marcus Johns's character, Ben. I found him extremely annoying and the character was far too extreme for my liking. I could tell that this character was a bit of an amateur and Marcus was basically playing the character of himself that he uses in his Vines. 

Now for the positives- One thing I did love was the cheekiness of Cameron's character Felix. He reminded me of a typical teenage boy (the one that all the girls love) and you couldn't help but find him absolutley adorable, even through his trouble making plans. I think Cameron played his character well, however, I did feel like he was actually playing himself. It was a little like Cameron was shooting an extremely long Vine

The storyline for me was extremely boring and predictable and I did even contemplate turning it over half way through but continued watching for the sake of this review. I think review may have had more positive points if I wasn't 23 and an actress. For now I will leave it up to you guys to make up for own minds. 

My rating: 3 Stars 

That's all folks!  


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