Hey guys,
So this evening I will be reviewing 'Taken 3' directed by Olivier Megaton.I'm pretty excited about this review today as I've been waiting to do this ever since I saw the advertisement two months ago.

I've always been a little sceptical when film companies produce sequels because I always tend to find them a disappointment. They are never as good as the first ones and usually start a whole new story, with a different cast. I expect a  sequel to be a follow on from the first movie, so the audience get to find out 'what happened next'. 

This was originally my thought when I went to see Taken 2 and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. After enjoying both Taken and Taken 2, I couldn't wait to see what was in store for me in the third movie. 

It did take me a while to finally getting round to watch this, but once I did, I was left intrigued and wanting more. 

The movie follows the same idea as both the previous films, involving car chases, lots of violence, death and anything else you could image a thriller to have. I'm not usually very fond of action movies, however, for Taken, I will definitely make an exception. 

  1. Synopsis taken from imdb:
    Ex-government operative Bryan Mills is accused of a ruthless murder he never committed or witnessed. As he is tracked and pursued, Mills brings out his particular set of skills to find the true killer and clear his name. (source: imdb.com/title/tt2446042/)

As for the acting, Liam Neeson, yet again graces us with his presence on the big screen and as usual does not disappoint. His character Bryan Mills shows us the risks he is willing to take as a father to protect himself and his family. Being an actor myself I am very critical of other actors, especially when watching shows or movies. If I come out the cinema and feel emotional towards the character, then for me the actor has successfully created a genuine character. I hate nothing more than watching a movie full of rubbish, untrained actors that I can't build an understanding for. I want to go on the emotional journey with them, if the character is playing hero I want to be routing for them and if they are playing a villain I want to hate them. It doesn't matter who your character is, I want to be able to feel something emotional towards them. 
All the actors in this movie were amazing, but I have to give extra credit to Liam Neeson, for giving us another perfect performance. 

The one thing I talk about in all my reviews is 'predictability'. If you watch a movie and can predict what is going to happen before it does, then there's no point watching the movie in the first place. This is something that i always look out for when watching a movie. I have to admit this movie was the complete opposite of predictable and the twist at the end made it all worth watching. 

Overall I would say if you like both Taken 1 and 2, I would definitely recommend you go and watch this. It is a great movie, with amazing actors and lots of special effects. What more could you want from a thriller?

Five Stars!!


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