Hey Guys,

Today I'm going to be reviewing the latest movie 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. After reading all three books I was quite excited to discover that it would be finally being made into a Movie. I wasn't really sure on what to expect, so as soon as it came out I decided to book a ticket to the first showing, the day before Valentines Day. 

For anyone that has not read the books I will give you a quick recap without giving away too much. 

The story follows the tormented relationship between college Student Anastasia Steele and profound Businessman Christian Grey. Mr Grey's sexual fantasies are revealed to Miss Steele in a binding contract. But is Anastasia ready to share his provocative secret with him? 

The movie is directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson and stars Dakota Johnson as Anastasia Steele and Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey. In this review will display a combination of positive and negative aspects of the movie from my point of view. 

The first negative comment I'd like to say is based on the actors. Although the acting was fantastic, I was really disappointed with their appearances. I understand we all have different ideas of what Mr. Grey and Anastasia should look like, but I personally felt that the characters were represented very poorly. In the book Anastasia is supposed to be unconventionally pretty. She is not meant to be glamorous, yet she is still supposed to have that 'special something'. Unfortunately I felt Dakota really didn't do the role justice. Firstly, she looked way too old to be a university student and secondly, she just looked a bit of mess from the start of the movie until the end (her hair was frizzy, her skin was greasy and her lips were dry). I think someone such as Scarlett Johansson or Emma Watson, would have been more suited for the role. 

Moving onto Jamie Dornan, I felt his performance as Mr.Grey was amazing, however, again appearance wise he just couldn't match up. Mr. Grey is referred to in the books as 'intimidating' and 'georgous'. If I'm honest I didn't get that from him at all. His body wasn't as described in the books and he didn't really have that rugged but sexy look and he definitely didn't come across intimidating. 

Moving on to a positive point, I thought the storyline stayed quite true to the books. Everything looked exactly as how I had imagined it. The playroom, the house, the bars and the office, which made the movie seem familiar and comfortable. I hate when a movie is adapted from a book, yet has no similarities whatsoever, it makes me think why did they bother to base it on the book in the first place.

Now the moment every ones been waiting for, the question about how much nudity does it really have? 
After reading other reviews claiming they were disappointed that the movie did not do the books justice. The books themselves are usually referred to by readers as 'Mummy Porn' (Porn for women) as it is aimed mainly at women or housewives. Many of the previous reviews I read believed that the sex scenes were too soft, with not enough of them. Many women were also complaining that more nudity should have been present. I however completely disagree with this, I think the amount of sex and nudity was just the right amount. There were definitely some steamy scenes to get your blood pumping and almost all their bodies were on show at some point except from their nether regions, which teased the audience by just giving them a tiny glimpse of the top. If there was much more sex and nudity involved it would have been near enough porn.

The one other comment I will make on this topic is I do think there could have been a few more toys and accessories included in the sex scenes as Mr.Grey seemed to stick to mainly whips and ropes, whereas in the books he uses a range of different objects. This being said, however, there is only so much that can be incorporated into a two hour movie. 

I have to admit I was pretty disappointed in the ending. It was very different to the book and although I understand they were trying to leave it on a cliff hanger in my opinion it backfired. Instead of leaving the audience wondering what happened next, it just left us confused. As the credits started to roll I heard the moans of lots to cinema goer's complaining that it 'wasn't supposed to end like that'. Instead of ending on a high it just seemed flat, like a story with a rushed ending. 

Don't just take me word for it, book yourself a ticket and find out!

My Rating: 3 Stars!!

(picture Source: 


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