Deadpool Movie Review Starring Ryan Reynolds
Hey guys, So this weekend has been a very interesting and eventful one for me. On Friday night I went to the Pacific Theatre at G rove with the guy I was dating and two of his friends. I think we all forgot how much traffic there was going to be because of the Oscars but luckily I got there early enough unlike the guy I was going with and his friend who ended up walking into the movie theatre nearly forty five minutes late. The good thing was his other friend was already sitting in the movie theatre and had saved us seats so I went and sat with him while we waited for others. I felt a little bit like we were on an awkward tinder date or something since all I had was a photo of him which I was sent so that I could find him in the dark auditorium. After walking up and down the movie theatre steps looking for the seats I finally found him right in the middle. I was a little worried that the other two were not going to turn up or get into the movie and I was going to end up on what felt ...