Day One: Welcome to Marin County

Hey Guys,

So after talking about my preparations and my excitement to move to America for the past year, the day is finally here. At the moment I am currently sitting in the garden drinking coffee and enjoying the sun whilst I write my first blog post in the USA. I can't believe that it is finally here and I am thrilled to be able to share my latest adventures with all you lovely readers.

Waving goodbye to my mum, dad and sister at Heathrow airport I realised that I was finally on my own and ready to start this new chapter in my life. Even at the age of twenty-four I had never really been away from my family for longer than a few weeks and I now had to learn how to be a grown up in the real world (a very scary thought). This is something I felt was extremely important for myself as I was hoping it would allow me to gain a bit more Independence and force me to not always rely on my parents for everything.

After leaving my parents for security I was ready to board the plane. I have never been a nervous flyer but the one fear I did have was not knowing who I was going to sit next to on the plane. It may sound pathetic, especially coming from a twenty four year old, but I have always had this stupid fear about sitting next to strangers. I think it all started when I twelve years old and I went to the cinema to see 'Blue Crush'. There was no aisle seats left so I was forced to sit next to this group of young boys. Throughout the entire film they kept poking me and laughing and just generally being irritating brats. From that day I refused to sit next to someone that I don't know. Even my best friend knows to only ever purchase an aisle seat for me when we go to the cinema, which just shows how much she knows me. I am also someone that uses the bathroom constantly throughout the day, so making the decision as to whether to pick the window seat, where I could rest my head against the window or sitting in the aisle to get easier access to the bathroom was a huge dilemma. I did however decide to sit by the window, which was a brave choice of mine considering it was an extremely long journey.

After a very long eleven and half hour flight with a man almost sleeping on my shoulder for of the entire journey and after an hour and a half ride on the Marin Airporter from San Francisco International airport I finally arrived in Novato (Marin County). I was so relieved to eventually get here. Walking through arrivals with two very heavy and extremely large bright pink and purple suitcases that I almost had to drag across the floor to move  and a huge bright pink mulberry bag I definitely looked a bit out of place. Crossing the street to the airporter with all this was also a bit of a challenge especially as I almost got run over by a taxi because I couldn't actually pull my suitcases to the other side of the road. Luckily a nice man offered me a hand, probably because he pitied me or was worried that I may not make it across the road by myself, but either way I eventually made it. 

Sitting here looking out at the view from my aunties balcony in Marin County I feel so relaxed. The sky is glistening bright blue with not one cloud present and the sun is making everything look even more beautiful than normal. The one thing that I am most excited about is that I can watch Netflix from America where all the shows are different (I have been waiting for this for ages).

I have so many activities planned with my family for the next week from Wine tasting in Napa Valley to a night out in the city of San Francisco. It's so nice to be able to relax and enjoy some time with my family after such a hectic year of planning but I can't wait to move down to Los Angeles in less than two weeks. But until then I will soak up the sun and enjoy some wine ;)

Stay tuned for my next San Fran Adventure!!! 

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