Chapter One: Graduating Central & Moving to LA

Hola Amigos, 

I cannot believe how fast this last year has gone. Today is officially my two weeks notice. In exactly fourteen days today I will be heading off on my latest adventure. I will begin with a three week trip to San Francisco to visit family and then onto LA to start my new adventure at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. It feels so surreal. I have dreamt about this move since I was about twelve years old, when I would draw pictures of myself under the Hollywood sign, with my name up in lights and now it's almost here. 

Yesterday I rang up EE to cancel my phone contract and when the lady asked me why I was leaving, I  jumped with excitement that I was finally able to say that I was moving to Los Angeles. "Wow I was not expecting that. That's fantastic, so your going to be actor?" the lady says in delight. 'Yes, yes I am" I reply eagerly. "Well that's definitely a good reason to cancel your contract with us". Hearing other people saying it reminds me that this really is happening. 

I feel so lucky for all the support I've had from all my friends and family. This last few months have made me evaluate my life and I have come to realise just how important it is to have people around you who will push you to succeed. I'm especially thankful for all the help I've had from my best friend Robyn who has been up till all hours of night decorating and baking cupcakes for two very unsuccessful bake sales and decorating my whole house in time for my Hollywood themed leaving party. She has encouraged me and supported me from the moment I found out I was accepted and has pushed me through every hurdle I have faced with raising the funds. I don't think I would have been able to do this without her and I am so thankful to have such a wonderful best friend. 

Not only does this mark my two week move, but today is also the day that I finally received my degree results from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. I am delighted to be officially graduating with an upper second class degree with honours (2:1). The last three years have been one of the best experiences of life and I am so proud to now be part of Central's alumni. Central has taught me so much, I have had the opportunity to teach drama in the slums of Mumbai and performed in some amazing shows such as Joan Littlewood's 'Oh What A Lovely War' directed by Karen Tomlin. Central has opened me up to a range of possibilities that the arts can bring and has led me take control of my career and do what makes me happy. Before I went to Central I was worried about the future and I was unsure as to which direction I should go in. I am now thankful to Central for helping me finally make that decision. I am now more excited about the future and cannot wait to start my new journey. 

From August I will be video blogging about my journey in Los Angeles. Please subscribe to my You Tube channel at chantallopezdias for more!! 

Goodbye for now :) 


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