Drama School: To go or not go?

'Is drama school essential as an actor or is a complete waste of money?'

This is a tricky debate and is not a decision to take lightly. As someone such as myself who has attended many acting classes and been to various drama schools I feel that there are both pros and cons to attending drama school. I don't believe there is a right or wrong answer to this question as every actor will have a different opinion depending on their personal experiences. For this reason my response to this debate is that it is all personal preference to that individual. 

Some actors swear by drama school and believe that it has shaped and developed them into better and more confident actors, whilst, others believe it has made no difference in bettering their careers and now all they have to show for it is  £30,000+ in student debts. 

Firstly I want make clear that I wouldn't go to drama school if you are not 110 percent sure that being an actor is for you. Acting is a craft that is very specific to the field of performing arts. If you can't decide out of going down the acting path or something else, I would advise that you choose the second option, otherwise that student loan has definitely been a waste of money. 

Secondly although acting can be developed it is not something you can 'learn'. Most actors know early on in their lives that it is something they want to do. passion must be the fuel for your career. Don't just take it as an 'easy option' (trust me it's harder than it looks). 

Now onto the real question. Is drama school a waste of time? 

Every drama school has their own style of performance. Some school swear by one specific technique, whilst other teach a range of techniques. Drama schools in the UK are very interested in actors that are a blank canvas. This means that they are able to mould their actors into what they believe is the 'ideal actor'. For years I thought I this is what I wanted until I realised that I wanted to be unique and find my own acting style. Drama school in the U.S. are far more open to development and encourage actors to find their own style and develop on that. This is the reason I found American Academy of Dramatic Arts right for me. From being at Italia Conti and Central I have found that drama school is a great way of giving you knowledge and confidence in your craft. I cannot wait to go to LA and learn more about my abilities. The more I learn, the more I become proud and accepting of my skills. 

Although I believe drama school to be a positive approach for me I have to include that although you may learn audition techniques and meet agents at your end showcase it still does not guarantee that you will become a massive star, claiming the hottest roles in Hollywood. That's just a fact.. Sorry (I really wish it did). 

Drama schools in the UK are around £9-10,000 a year, whereas drama schools in the U.S. are almost double at a whopping $31,000 (roughtly £20,000) a year. Not everyone can afford these extortionate fees so just because you don't attend drama school does not mean you cannot class yourself as an actor. 

I have a friend who has worked for companies in the U.S. such as Disney and has had consistent acting work throughout his career. He has an agent both in the UK and LA and has never attended drama school. He has however read and studied every acting bible however, he has been very lucky and this Is not the case for everyone. 

Again I go back to personal preference. Drama school can be a great way of gaining confidence and understanding the different ideas and methods and can be a great way to make connections and network with other people in the industry. This being said attending drama school is not the most essential thing. You either have talent or you don't. 

The bit of advice i will give if you deciding to go to drama school is pick the school that is relevant to the type of acting you want to do to bring out the best of your talent.  


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