So recently I've been super excited and nervous about the fact I'm moving to Los Angeles and going to the American Academy of Dramatic arts in July. I know it's still eight months away but having so much to prepare for, I can't help but think about it. 

I have bought myself a little preparation notebook, which I've labelled 'Chantal's Hollywood Plans'. I know it may be a little silly, but it's the only way I can keep everything organised and work out what needs to be done. I have so much to do that I feel almost like I'm preparing for a wedding or something. I have visa's, driving licence's, apartments, fundraising and so much more to sort out all before May. I've never really been one of those people to leave everything until the last minute, in fact I love to organise things way in advance, as you can probably tell. 

This is a big deal and I guess it's not as easy as booking holiday, it's way more complicated to sort out than that, so it all takes time and effort. I have to keep telling myself that it will all be worth it in the end.  

Ever since I was little I've wanted to be star. I was always a regular student at school, I wasn't exactly an A* student but I always tried my best. I think I just wasn't very academic, but I was always creative and acting was the one thing I felt I could do right. I want to be known for something that I am actually good at. I used to dream of standing in the spotlight with my name up in lights and all eyes on me. This not because I just want to be centre of attention or anything, it's more about proving to myself and the world that I can be whatever I want to be and to show that if you work hard you can achieve your dreams.

I knew from a young age that I wanted to attend drama school in Hollywood. I wanted to be right in the middle of where it all started. Waking up in the morning to the Hollywood sign, reminding me everyday that this was my dream and soon it will be a reality.  

Knowing I have so much to do in preparation for the big move gave me a rush of excited and I thought why not start early with apartment searching. I started by looking at the apartments listed by AADA and then moved on to other apartments in west Hollywood. To my greatest surprise the majority of them has swimming pools, free wifi, hot tubs and private gyms. The only downside is due to the lack of funds I will have to room share, which  sucks. Having a roommate is normal in the U.S. Most freshmen at college have one and don't end up moving to a house or have their own rooms until their second year. In England, this is not something we are really used to. I shared a house last year for my second year of university with five other people and that was crazy enough for me, so having a roommate does make me feel a little uneasy. What happens if they piss you off and you need space? Where do you go? The bathroom? 
I guess it's just one sacrifice I will have to make to bring me one step closer to my dream. Plus it would be good to have people around me since I won't know anyone. I've heard LA can be a bit of wild place and I don't think I could or would want to take it on by myself. If my roommate annoys me I guess I could always go and sit by the pool with all the hot guys (I pray that there to be lots of hot guys where I'm staying). 

Although I'm mega excited it is scary to think about how much this is actually costing. The cheapest apartment I've found is around $950 (£600) a month and that's to share a room. I used to think London was expensive but this is far worse. But hey ho it's West Hollywood so what did I expect really?

Fundraising is also quite difficult. I thought it would be much easier that it actually is. I've never really been a good one for finding fund raising ideas, I also don't really think I know enough people, who would want to join or help out. I know I can count on my friends and family but it's not really enough. I did try and send some emails and letters to industry professionals but the majority of them were rejection letters and the rest didn't even bother to get back to me. I did send a letter to David Beckham but instead of receiving an apology or rejection letter I was sent a signed photo of himself with a note saying 'As requested here's a signed photo'. This was strange because I had never actually asked him for a photo, I had actually asked for a donation. It does just prove that most celebrities don't really take notice in their fan mail. Anyway, if you have any fund raising ideas feel free to comment below, I could do with the help. 
My mum did suggest I sell some of my bags and shoes since I've now got a nice little collection from all my years of being a shopping addict. It probably is a good idea since I won't be able to take them with me to Los Angeles anyways but I just don't know if I can part with all of them just yet, so I think I'm going to keep the mulberry for just little longer. 

I've also been trying to research different places to go to in LA. I have to admit I'm not really into clubbing that much anymore, mainly because i normally go out in London and I really can't be dealing with night buses at the age of 23 and the hangovers are just not what they used to be. I went out for the first time in ages recently and the next day I spent the whole morning and afternoon with my head down the toilet. It definitely was not a pretty sight. Even with saying this I have to experience a club in LA. I have my Christian Louboutin's and Celeb Boutique dress at the ready just incase. Let's just hope this time I can last until at least midnight. 

I feel like this is definately going to be an experience of a life time and I cannot wait. Remember to check back for new blog posts every week. 

Goodbye for now folks :)

Please follow this link to donate to my fundraiser


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