In 2009 I had the amazing opportunity to appear as the role of Hannah in the UK's biggest Argos Christmas commercial. Whilst sitting in the reception room waiting to go into my audition I became quite nervous. Looking round the room to see so many different types of girls I really couldn't imagine what sort of person they were looking for. Normally when I go into go an audition there is a specific type of look, however, this time there was such a different mix of people that I really had no idea. I walked into my audition with confidence and introduced myself and my agency to both of the casting directors. They were extremely friendly and asked me to improvise a short scene with an older man. The scene was a little bit of a struggle as I found that the man that I was acting with didn't seem to interested in scene. I continued anyways regardless of this. As I was leaving the room I overheard one of the casting director's saying 'oh I like really liked her'. I was so happy but thought I'd better not get my hopes up because you never know, someone could come in after me who they could prefer. I just kept my fingers crossed in hope of a recall. 

The next morning I was woken up by a loud ringing from my mobile. Sleepily, I answer the phone to my agent, who tells me that I had been chosen for a recall. Out of all the girls in the room only a few had been picked and I was one of them. I literally jumped out of bed screaming at the top of my voice in excitement. Little did I know that this is exactly what I would be doing in the audition, I was obviously a pro at screaming. 

Two days later I turn up at my recall in London. As I sit in the reception going over what I'm going to say in the casting, I hear my name being called. I was quickly ushered into a small plain room, where two different casting directors were sitting. The casting director hands me a remote control and say to me 'here's your Christmas gift', out of instinct I start jumping up and down with mere excitement, whilst pointing my little controls at all different areas of the room. 'This is the best gift ever' I say, whilst screaming with absolute glee. both directors looked each other in shock and then burst out laughing. I don't think they really expected that to be my reaction. 

That weekend I still had not heard anything back and the suspense was killing me. Although I couldn't wait for a response, I didn't have time to really think about it as I was off the United States to spend time with my cousins. As the time difference was eight hours behind I was receiving calls at all hours of the day and night. At 3am U.S. time I received a call from an unexpected number. Answering it in my professional voice just in case, I hear a gentleman respond in an accent that i did not recognise. 'Hello Chantal I was just ringing to check that you are still coming in for your costume fitting next week for Argos?'. I was extremely confused by this, my agent had not even mentioned that I had got the part, let alone a costume fitting. I didn't really want to question him so I confirmed the fitting and then straight away went on to call my agent for answers. My agent informed me that he had received a call that morning regarding my audition and was going to call me with the news as soon as he got to the office.

I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't sleep at all that night and instead spent the entire time picturing what it would be like to be on set of a huge campaign. When the clock finally struck 7am I ran up to the room where my mum and Nonna were staying and shared my exciting news with them. They were both overjoyed and so proud that I got such an amazing job, just before i was off to study acting at Italia Conti Academy. it felt like everything was happening all at once.

I arrived home from the U.S. two days before the fitting. I nearly couldn't make it as they had originally planned to hold it the day before I flew back, but luckily they were able to change it in time. The fitting went great, the only issue that was that they had put me in a size UK 12 dress when I'm actually a size UK 6. When the fitting lady noticed how big it was she decided to clip it at the back, hiding this under a little cotton cardigan. 

After the fitting, I found out that the day of filming was actually on my first day of my acting Foundation course at Italia Conti Academy. I was a little worried about missing my first day, but then i thought 'this was a once in a life time opportunity, so I couldn't pass it up. Normally my mum would never let me miss school, so if she says it's ok then it must be ok. Luckily the school were happy to allow me the day off to film. 

The day finally arrived for the filming at Twickenham studios in London. The taxi journey seemed to be taking ages due to traffic, which for the first time didn't actually bother. This gave me the opportunity to take in the whole day and what would be in store for me. When I finally got to the studios I was taken to a little trailer that I was able to relax in until time for filming. I remember sitting in front of the mirror pretending I was a famous actor filming for a Hollywood film (This was my idea of trying to entertain myself before I went on set). It wasn't long before I got a knock on the trailer telling me they were ready for me onset.

Filming went extremely well except for a couple of little hiccups. At one point during mid- scream I saw a couple of the crew members laughing. I didn't really take any notice of it, but then I started to hear the director shouting 'cut, cut, stop'. I was a little confused by this 'had I done something wrong' I didn't think you could know how to scream in excitement incorrectly. The director looked at me in shock and pointed to my dress. I looked down and to my humiliation my dress had fallen down and was now hanging past my belly button with my bra half exposed. In my embarrassment I hastily pulled it back up and carried on as if nothing had happened. I kept telling myself 'act natural your an actor'. 

The next scene we filmed was Hannah ripping open the huge Christmas gift. The director had told the rest of the cast that I was a professional actor and knew exactly what I was doing. I clearly didn't because before I heard the word 'action' I began to completely rip this gift box to shreds. I have to admit it was quite awkward, especially as the two prop assistants looked extremely pissed off as they'd have to go and re-wrap this whole preset again. After a few takes we eventually managed to do it correctly and this time I listened to the director carefully to make sure there were no more mistakes. I think I must be literally the only person who embarrasses themselves more than once on a daily basis. I guess I must be unique (well that's what my mum tells me anyway). 

After a full day of filming it was finally time to go home. I had really enjoyed the whole day and was sad that it was actually over. 

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