From LA to the UK..

Hey Guys,

So.. my last month in LA was a bit of crazy one. My apartment lease was up at the end of April so I didn't really have any other choice but to move into an air b n b for the remainder of my trip. I'm still not too familiar with the different places in LA so choosing a place that wasn't too far from my my campus, where I was still currently working limited me to only a few places. The first one I moved to I only lasted for two days because it was probably the most disgusting place I had ever stayed in. The place turned out to have nearly twenty people living in the one house with, where the neighbours would play music all through the night and I was grace with a pair of stained sheets on my bed. Refusing to stay there anymore I decided to leave and move to another apartment close to Beverly Hills. Although it did cost a fair bit more at this point the money wasn't really an issue, so I finally moved into this new place. It seemed really nice until I realised that one of the rooms had bedbugs, which ended up with me having to throw almost all my clothes in the trash and moving to my friends apartment for the remainder of my stay. In addition to all of this I then began dating another LA actor, whom I will not name, but I will say yet again did not think dating one girl at a time was sufficient (I will eventually learn my lesson) and after raking up a very high credit card bill I can rightfully say I was ready to come home. 

Walking off an eleven hour flight at Heathrow airport from Los Angeles, I thought to myself, hey it won't be too bad, I'll finally have all my home comforts like food that isn't full of preservatives and people walking around in yoga outfits pretending they've just come back from a full workout when really they have just returned from Taco Bell and I have to admit I was really looking forward to being able to finally see my family and friends after a long eleven months, so I began to feel a little excited. I didn't realize at the time but this was all about to change very quickly. Waiting to get through security I notice a group of girls from Essex in the row next to me. Minding my own business I stand there waiting in the line when I hear one of the girls comment about a woman she had seen on the plane saying "oh my god, did you see what she was wearing, she looked like a proper chav in that outfit". For a brief second I had forgotten what it's like to live in Essex, but this quickly brought me back to reality and I wasn't too sure if I was ready to go back to this. 

I have now been in the UK for a week and I'm definitely feeling home sick for LA. I'm currently sitting on a packed tube on the central line on my way to a shift at Buckingham Palace. Ok, I know how that sounds 1) very British and 2) very unbelievable, but that is in fact what I am doing right now. Well it's not exactly inside Buckingham palace but it's outside so I guess that's close enough. So.. What have I been doing since I've been back in UK? I wish I could say that I've been drinking lots of tea and meeting up with the queen but unfortunately it's been less than exciting. I actually thought my life was pretty dramatic in Los Angles, but I actually think the drama just follows me everywhere I go. 
Yesterday I was asked by a popular UK TV show to be on a dating show with my parents, which sounds a little strange but my parents got a little camera shy and refused. I also did something a little stupid and accidentally favourited a tweet of my last date who broke his feets now girlfriend, which may not sound too dramatic but if you knew all the drama we've had regarding social media, it might just cause world war three, however, I am luckily pretty far from LA right now and to top it all off I accidentally gave my bank details to fraud site, times. I'm in the middle of deciding whether to return to LA in September (which is what my heart is telling me) or save my money for you know, things like food and shelter. What do you guys think? 

Anyways the one thing that I can be thankful for is that since I've been back it's only rained twice and yesterday it was actually warm enough to not have to wear my coat, obviously I had to bring one in case because at the end of the day this is England and you never know. 

Anyways, thanks for reading about my crazy, weird life and remember to subscribe! 


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