Here Goes for My Oscar Speech...

Hey Guys, 

I hope everyone is ready for a great sunny weekend (unless your in somewhere like England because it will probably be raining, sorry) I know that I am. 

I can't believe I finished school now over three weeks ago, it's gone so fast but I've enjoyed every minute of it. I'm currently sitting in a little coffee shop with my passion fruit ice tea whilst I reminisce to myself about all the great memories I've made over the past year here in LA. 

Looking back on my life from when I was in England to now I cant believe how much my life has changed. People warned me before I moved to LA that I would come back a completely different person and I always thought to myself, can people really change to that extreme, but this year in LA has proved to me that the experiences you go through can impact your life drastically and change you as a person. I have learnt so many lessons out here but the one that has really stuck with me is remembering that everyone in life has their own path and you must do what makes you happy. There was so many things I wanted to do in life and was always afraid to go through it out of worry of disappointing people or even worse, failing at it, but I've come to realise that if we listen to every negative voice in our head or constantly allow fear to take over we will never really be living the life we want live. 

Being an actor people are always telling asking you 'so...what's your backup plan, you know, for when acting fails' and 'why don't you go to university and get a degree in a real subject like science or business'. These comments were things that always bothered me and the reason I stopped acting for three years, however, I will never let these things bring me down anymore,  I figure if your not doing what you love, why bother doing it in the first place. I knew for a young age that I would never be satisfied sitting at a desk everyday waiting for the clock to strike six. I have been lucky enough to have a very supportive family, my mum has constantly pushed me to follow my dreams and even struggling to fund my course at American Academy of Dramatic Arts because trust me this is one crazy expensive city, she made it happen and I can't thank her enough for believing in me, so there goes for my Oscar speech. 

The Academy in LA has given some amazing skills and really allowed me to fuel my passion and given me back my confidence. I am proud and happy to have been invited back to my The Academy for my second year, which if I can fund again, I will definitely be returning to LA for in September. At least this time I will be prepared for what LA has offer push myself even further. 

Although my training and career has gone pretty smoothly since being in LA, unfortunately I cannot say the same about my personal life. But through all my crazy dating adventures, drunken nights out to crazy parties in the hills, usually resulting with my head in toilet by the end of the night and friend dilemmas, I have had the best year of my life. I survived my first year in LA and this has taught me so much about what to do and definitely what NOT to do for next year. 

I know I often go into crazy details and some of my dating blogs have not been received so well by the unfortunate guys I've written about, but these experiences have shown me so much about my own life. Plus I'm sure many people can learn from my mistakes. 

Thank you for reading... don't forget to subscribe to hear more crazy adventures! Peace Out


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