
Showing posts from April, 2016

The End of My First Year at AADA

Hey guys,  I am currently sitting on the plane at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank waiting to go to San Francisco to see my family, whilst I write this last blog of the year about the American Academy of Dramatics Arts . Thursday was officially my last day at The Academy . We had been working for the past three weeks on two exam plays that we would perform at the end of the term. I was lucky enough to have two of the most amazing casts and two of the best directors. The thing that made the experience so worth while was that both directors had very different styles of directing, one which was more research based and the other was physically based and all about jumping straight into it. I loved learning about different ways of working and how as an actor you need to be able to adapt to these changes. The whole experience showed me how far I have come as an actor since I first started and enabled me to evaluate myself, so I know which areas I need to improve. I am so sad for my first y...

Boudoir Photoshoot- Learn to Love Yourself!

Hey my lovely readers, I hope everyone has had a great weekend. So, today I am writing a blog about a recent boudoir photoshoot I had done and the reason behind choosing to do this specific one. Although I am actress, I have always had an interest in modelling, when I was younger I was in a child modelling agency and booked a few different shoots. I loved it and felt so free and proud, however, as I grew older I became less and less confident with my body. I have always been short and and this was something that really made me uncomfortable. I would always get people making comments on this and although they weren't usually said to be in a negative way, it still just make me shy away more. I felt different to a lot of girls and when I would read fashion magazines such as Vogue I felt very jealous by all the models, who were tall, skinny and seemed to have perfect curves all in the right places. I always wished that I could look like that and it upset me that I would never be a...

The Revisionist Review by Jesse Eisenberg

Hey guys,  On Tuesday night I went with a family friend to watch the play The Revisionist by Jesse Eisenberg (from Social Network) at The Wallis in Beverly Hills . After previously reading the synopsis I went into the theatre with the knowledge that the play would be focusing on the Holocaust and the destruction it had caused, however, when I actually sat down to watch the show I realised that it was completely different to what I had originally anticipated.  I love watching different types of theatre and being an actress I feel that this is a very important part of research. For the nature of this blog post I will start by reviewing the set design and the writing before moving onto reviewing the acting qualities  (which is my favourite part).  For the set I was extremely impressed with how it was set out. The stage was set up in the middle of the of the room with the audience seated on either side. The stage was set up as a house, fea...