Dating in LA

Hello my lovely readers,

Today,  I am going to write about something a little different. I have decided to give a little dating advice based on an experience I had last weekend.

As part of my new year's resolutions I decided to start a weekend fun-day. Since being here I haven't really been able to explore much of LA because I am always too busy doing school work or learning lines, and it's even more difficult when I don't have a car here (probably the thing I miss the most my poor little car, George Bush- and yes, this isn't a joke, my car is actually called George Bush). Every time I speak to my family and friends back in England they are always asking me what exciting thing I've been up to on the weekend, and I usually either say nothing or try and make up an exciting adventure that usually isn't even exciting at all. I've decided that before I go home for the summer I want to try and make the most of LA. I've written a list of all the places and things I want to do and visit, so I have invented my own fun-day every week.  

For my first adventure I decided to visit Urth Caffe on Melrose Avenue. I know what your thinking, taking an adventure to a coffee shop is not really an adventure at all, but it's a pretty cool place. I also made a resolution that I was going to start  dating more. I met this one actor (who I will not be naming) in Starbucks, who approached me whilst I was working on my script; He seemed like a nice guy so we exchanged numbers and went on a date. Halfway through the date he began showing me all these pictures of his 'ripped' body which I though was a little odd, and then he  kept asking me to follow him on all his  social media networks. I though okay,  whatever, but the last straw was when he  sent me an amazon wish list- yes, a wish list. I'm not sure if  he  expected me to send him gifts or something,  but that ended things pretty fast. This put me off dating actors for bit, but then I met another guy. 

He seemed nice and not pretentious like that other a****** (sorry for language). So after talking for a while, I thought, hey, why not. I told him about my weekly fundays and we decided that on Sunday night we would go to a Jazz Club in studio city. He was quite adventurous like me so we both wanted to have an interesting date. I normally don't get very nervous on dates but for some reason I was, probably because I was hoping it would be nothing like my last date. In order to cure my nerves I decided to have a couple of glasses of wine with a friend who was also going on the date. Without realizing how much I've drunk, I grabbed my coat and got in my Uber. I arrived at 8.30pm outside The Baked Potato Jazz Club. After realizing it was a heavy rock night,  we decided to go to a nearby bar.  We sat outside on these cute little couches by the fire with fairy lights hanging above us. Trying to act sober I walked slowly to the chair, whilst still managing to knock over two glass tables. We sat down with a glass of red wine each and began chatting. At first the conversation was going fine, we talked about the things we have in common, obviously acting and other stuff. Without realising ,  I drank my wine and  I began to get more and more drunk. 

The conversation soon took a turn and I began telling some very weird and inappropriate stories about my life and my family. Some of my stories included the stripper at my sisters bachelorette party, and the fact I refuse to go to the gym now as I received inappropriate comments from a guy,  and yes I even tried to act it out using the voice and the physical gestures. At the time I was oblivious to the fact that the things I was saying could have been seen as odd, and I still continued, embarrassing myself with more stories. He smiled politely and ordered another glass so I thought, hey, it must be going well. I then excused myself and went to use the bathroom. Looking at my red blotchy face in the mirror I started to come across very dizzy. Shouting at myself in bathroom I said, 'pull it together and act sober,' and returned to my date. 

If my stories hadn't been bad enough,  my own advice went straight out the window, and I soon began to start imitating different celebrities, copying their voices and acting them out. I assumed I was making a great impression so I just continued. We soon got asked to leave as it was closing,  and like a nice gentleman he dropped me home. The conversation continued in the car and when I finally arrived home, I  told my roommates about what I'd been saying. They advised me that it was weird and I should probably text him, so I did.  I apologized for all weird stories,  probably about three times which probably just made it ten times worse. 

 I have still learnt that getting wasted before a first date is probably not a wise decision. I would much rather be a little nervous than embarrassingly weird... Plus,  the hangover the next day is definitely not worth it. 



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