Halloween Adventures at USC Frat Row

Hey Guys,

So I've never really been a huge fan of Halloween, I know most people think that's crazy but back in England I never saw the appeal in it. I knew before moving to LA that Halloween here was a big deal and from the moment I got here in August people were already planning what they were going to do and wear for Halloween. I didn't really have a plan but I knew for the first time I wanted to experience it real LA style. We still didn't have a proper plan up until about five minters before we actually went last night. I'm usually very organised and hate planning things really last minute as I like to know plans in advance so that I can prepare, but since I've been here I've started to get used to the fact that people do not plan things, they usually just happen. I also wasn't even sure that I wanted to go out in the end because I still extremely hungover from the following night that the thought of putting on a costume and heels made me angry.

I was hoping to meet up and party with the rest of my class but no one was sure on what to do so when my roomie finally got home from work at 10pm we decided to do something different. I had always wanted to go to a Frat party but I would never really have known how or where to go. It was all alien to me as this is not something I have experienced in England before, so we got dressed up as Cat Woman and Snow White called and Uber and headed over to USC (University of Southern California) Frat Row.

Getting out of the cab I have never seen anything like it in my life, it was like something from out of a movie. The whole street was full of extravagant houses one after another all with the Greek letters above the door like you see on TV. The whole street was absolutely packed with college kids dresses up in the most crazy outfits I have ever seen. We couldn't even see where everyone was heading to it was that rammed. Finally we decided to follow the noise, where we were led to a Fraternity called 'Pi Kappa Alpha' (PIKE). The music was playing a full blast and it was full to capacity, this was obviously the place to be because there was a queue of hundreds of girls and guys trying to flirt their way in. The party was getting so packed that the president announced that they would not be allowing more people. The moans from all the disappointed students was funny and people pushed passed security to try and get in anyway. I on the other hand didn't care enough to go through all that and instead we ended up at another Frat house just at the end of the road 'OE'. Walking into the house I could tell it wasn't really the party destination, there was about twenty guys sitting in the large living room chatting. It was Halloween and we had come all the way to frat row so we thought that we would help them out to get them a little bit more of a party. We walked down the long street telling all the students to come to the party down the road as it would be the party of year.

Finally waiting to go in ourselves after I was stopped by a young guy looking like he'd attempted to dress as Channing Tatum from magic mike. After chatting for a while he invited me into 'Pi Kappa Alpha'. I wasn't actually that bothered about going but I wanted to see what a real frat party was like. The first thing that I noticed was the smell, It was so gross I could tell that it was a boys house. We walked down this extremely long corridor which was build with neon flashing lights, there was people everywhere I literally had to step over people sitting on the floor in order to move. We then moved into the yard with was built with a huge stage and music deck, by the time we reached it the party was in full swing and people were dancing and going crazy. The party was so busy you could hardly move from one place to the next. I have been to college parties in the United Kingdom but that are nothing compared to college frat parties. The party was finally closed down around 1.30am and we headed to Lorenzo for a bit of an after party before deciding after thirty minutes there to call it a night and head home back to Hollywood.

Next stop UCLA frat row.

Stay tuned for more adventures in Hollywood.


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