Two Months in Hollywood...

Hello my lovely readers,

This blog is definitely way overdue and from now on I will make sure that I start updating it more often. Everything in LA has been so crazy that it's been difficult to keep up.

I have now been living in LA for almost two months and I absolutely love it here. Every week is a new adventure. Last week I went to the Disney Hall in downtown LA to experience the work of classical musician Stravinsky with a very good friend of the family. It was an amazing experience, I have always taken an interest in classical music but was never something I had experienced live before, so this was definitely something different and new for me. This not something I would have really had the chance to see back home so it was nice to try explore something different. I enjoyed it so much that I was luckily enough to have the opportunity to attend another classical concert in Glendale, which was put on specifically to raise money for underprivileged children. It was a lovely experience and was nice to be apart of something that was for a good cause.

As a fellow actor friend of mine had come over from England to study here we decided to take advantage and do a little bit of sight seeing since I had hardly done any since coming to LA. We went to Santa Monica Pier and spent the day walking along the beach in the sun. We found a cute little cafe just along the beach where we sat and people watched while eating our lunch. After studying everyone for a while I couldn't help but enjoy the fact that everyone was completely different, everyone seemed so free with themselves and their decisions to not conform to the norms of society. I have always seen myself as an individual so it was nice to see that everyone here was unique and felt confident to express themselves in whatever way they chose. After a lovely lunch in the sun we headed off for a long walk along the sea. Only in LA can you go to the beach in October, it felt so strange to still be wearing shorts and a vest top whilst sunbathing during the middle of October, whilst it is probably freezing and pouring with rain by now in the UK. I have also found a new love with In N Out burger, I tried it for the first time last year when I came to LA with my sister and her husband and really didn't see the appeal, my fries were cold, I had to queue for ages and my burger was covered in onions even though I specifically asked for it without. My mind has been completely changed now since living here. I think I judged them too soon because I have now been there three times and all times it was delicious. Out of all the fast food restaurants here (and trust me there is A LOT) this has got to be the best. I recommend it to anyone coming to the West Coast, you won't be disappointed (well maybe the first time).

Last weekend was part of a four day weekend so we decided to take the opportunity to go for hike in Malibu. Since being in LA I have found a new love for hiking and could not wait to try one out in Malibu. I drove up with my friend from school Alyson, staring out at the beautiful blue sky and the sun shining on the tops of the mountains I felt so lucky to be living in such a beautiful place. After driving around for over forty minutes trying to find the trail we finally made it and was joined by two more friends from AADA. Walking up the the rocky trail and looking up at all the glamorous houses almost as large as Buckingham palace I couldn't help but dream of what my life may be. After a long steep walk we finally made it to the naked waterfall, we decided to climb to the top of the mountain to see view of the ocean. The only thing we didn't quite plan for was getting back down again once we reached the top. Looking out from the top of the mountain covered in dry mud and sweating I couldn't help but think about how different my life has become since this time last year. I was here in the sun, doing what I love with some amazing new friends. I didn't quite expect my life to turn out this way and now I couldn't be more happy and excited by what I have achieved so far.

After a very dangerous struggle we finally made it back down from the top of the mountain and headed to ocean to clean off. We didn't really bring any swimsuits with us as we weren't expecting to get as muddy on our trail as we did, but we thought to hell with it, the beach was quiet so we chanced it and went in the ocean with our clothes on. Even though I have had so much fun trying new things I am also having the best time at AADA. I have never been to a school that is so full of energy and determination. Everyday I come into class I feel like I am gaining so much and working with the most talented teachers and students I have ever worked with. In addition to working on my acting techniques I feel that everyday I am learning so much about myself, things that I was never aware of before.

Even whilst writing this blog I am sitting in Starbucks on Wilshire Boulevard looking around thinking how happy I am right now. It is amazing to be around people that have the same passion as me and know what it takes to get what they want. As an actor there is so much stigma about this type of career and everyday I am learning and understanding more and more about myself and how to get over those negative stigmas.

I have also recently got a job in the costume department on Campus and I have never been so happy. I have always had an interest in fashion and dress making and after being inspired my grandma who was a clothing designer I am able to combine my two favourite things together. I have recently helped to the costumes from scratch for the company performances at AADA, it feels great to be able to sit in the audience and see my work on the stage. I feel like I am not only here for myself but I'm contributing so much more.

That's it till next week, but don't forget to subscribe for more.


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