Hey Guys,

A while back my friend from university told me about a television show called 'Once Upon a Time' by ABC Productions. It follows the story of Disney's Snow White and Prince Charming. In the first few episodes the Evil Queen, also know as Regina played by Hollywood actress Lana Maria Parilla, along with Rumpelstiltskin played by British actor Robert Carlyle create a curse as a revenge plot which banishes all the fairytale characters to a town called Storybrooke in a new world called... Yep you know it 'Earth'. Whilst on earth all the characters will have no memory of their previous lives and will no longer be able to use magic or so they thought.

I couldn't seem to find it anywhere until recently when I saw it on Netflix. I am quite a big fan of both Disney and Fantasy and since I had already watched almost everything on Netflix, I though I may as well give it a go.

I put on the first episode and from that moment I was hooked. I ended up watching the whole of season one, which included 22 episodes in just one and a half days. Each episode was around 42-45 minutes, I was so intrigued and drawn into the story that I couldn't move from my couch. I had literally turned into a vegetable and I couldn't tear myself away. I did try and few times to give myself a break for a bit and do some work, but I couldn't focus on anything else. I came to the conclusion I had worked so hard recently that I deserved a day off. So off I went back to my laptop and continued on to season two until 2am. I hadn't been this hooked on a show since watching 'Orange is the New Black'. 

The series uses a contemporary approach to show a darker side of the fantasy land, whilst staying true to the characters. It shows that Disney is not just for children, but can also bring the magic to adults. I haven't ever been hooked on a show to this extent before. It was not just the magic and drama of the show that kept me watching, I was also fascinated with the quality of acting and special effects that was used. I was especially impressed with both lead actors playing Regina 'The Evil Queen' and 'Rumplestitskin'. Although these characters were supposedly evil, the series shows a sensitive and compassionate side to them as well. It allowed the audience to connect with them on more than one level. As an actress myself it definitely gives me something to aspire too. 

I would definitely recommend this to any disney fan, you will not be disappointed!!

(copyright: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/049/b/f/once_upon_a_time_by_veilaks-d76p975.jpg: 2015)


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