Hey boys and girls,

So I just got back from LA a few days ago and it was amazing. My cousin got married in San Francisco and my sister and I were lucky enough to be her bridesmaids. We thought while we are in California why not take a road trip to LA. We left  for LA two days after the wedding, which took place a gorgeous vineyard an hour away from San Fran. We decided since my sister and her husband has never seen LA that we would take the coastal route through the mountains stopping off at Santa Cruz, Carmel and Santa Barbara on the way. We planned it out so well.. well we thought we had. A day and a bit travelling with a stop off to a Motel in Santa Barbara and be in LA by the afternoon. We had our plan all worked out, so we packed our stuff, waived goodbye to Pleasant Hill where we were staying with our cousins and off we went. I was so excited to stare out the widow in admiration at the sea with the wind blowing in my hair, the music on loud, sun glasses, looking cool. This fantasy didn't last very long, two minutes after opening the window, enjoying the breeze in my hair, my sister made me close it saying the noise hurt her ears. That was end of my brief moment with nature.

Carmel was a gorgeous beach town with cute little houses and cafes. It almost reminded me of 'Far Far Away' from Shrek, like a little toy town. There was a cute little Alice in Wonderland themed shop with beautiful antiques and hand made ornaments. Even the shop assistant was in character, which definitely added to the authenticity. The beaches were beautiful with golden sand and the sun reflected on the sea like a crystal glistening. I felt so relaxed but unfortunately it was time to leave, we had to get to our next stop before it got too dark. We got back on the road, this time on our way to Santa Barbara. I was pretty excited about this, I had heard so much about Santa Barbara and couldn't wait to check it out for myself. We had worked out that it would take three hours to get there, so we got back on the road and continued to make our way up the mountain. The scenery looked like  something out of a movie, I'd never seen anything like it before. The sun was setting, turning the sky pink and orange, which reflected out onto the sea. I have to admit I'm a little afraid of heights so driving this high up with no railings was pretty scary, but the view made it all worth it. It was spectacular.

An hour and a half hour past and it was now pitch black and we're still driving on this bloody mountain, no closer to getting off. None of us had any signal on our phones and we were starting to get a little low on gas. We had only passed one place to stop, which was near the beginning of the mountain and at that point we didn't need any. Me being a horror movie fanatic all I could think was any minute now our car is going to break down and someone is going to kidnap us, take us into the mountain where no one will ever find us and that's the end of us. Now I think about it, it was probably a little dramatic but at the time all that came into my mind were horror movie scenarios. I could probably count around 500 movies that start like this, they drive into a secluded area where theres only one small dingy house with a crooked roof, then the victim run out of gas, goes to knock at a strangers door to use the phone and wa-la they kidnap them and lock them in the dungeon bla bla bla. Its always the same.

After two hours of playing out scenarios in my head we finally came across a gas station and mini mart. Phew the panic was finally over. Well we thought it was until we found out we were still four hours away from Santa Barbara. Our Tom Tom had definitely given us the wrong timings, but we didn't have a choice, there was no where to go, we had to keep driving. So we bought a way over priced turkey sandwich each and continued driving up the mountain. At 1.30am we finally reached our destination. Finding a motel at this time of night was not the easiest thing to say the least, especially when you have three picky people in the car, but we finally found somewhere to rest at 'The Orange Tree'. I've always wanted to stay in motel, just because its always in the movies. Yes I know its pretty sad, but I couldn't help it, I'm obsessed with movies. I was surprised, I always assumed motels were cheap, seedy and again always seems to be present in horror films, but it wasn't, it was actually very clean and was probably the most comfy bed I slept in for the whole of my trip. After checking out we decided to spend the morning looking at the pier, where I was almost convinced to see a physic, until my sister persuaded me otherwise. I am determined to see one, but I think its best to do with when I'm alone. After taking some photos we visited ihop which if I'm honest was horrible and I ended up feeling sick, but that was probably down to the five chocolate chip pancakes with syrup and cream I polished off.

Two hours later and we had finally arrived in Los Angeles. This was so exciting, after our crazy long journey I'd started to doubt we'd ever get here alive. But we did and I had so many plans, most of them involved shopping, Rodeo Dr shopping, more shopping after that, oh and obviously how could I forget I had to go and visit my NEW SCHOOL!!! :)

Remember to Donate...Pretty Please (help my dream become a reality)


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